I had the honour of translating Bianca Toeps’ bestselling book “Maar je ziet er helemaal niet autistisch uit” into the English “But you don’t look autistic at all.”

Since then, I have had the pleasure of translating Dutch designer Linda Rusconi’s website, I have worked with Dutch-American band The Irrational Library on texts for the promotion of their album release, and I have worked on various projects with renowned photographer Flore Zoé. I’ve also been working on translating a collection of poems from Dutch into English, but this is still an ongoing project.

So a pretty wide variety of subjects and types of text, which I love!

Two years after I started my own translating company, I was asked to translate the first few chapters of the children’s edition of the very book that started it all. A few chapters, because in order for an English-language publishing house to pick it up, they’ll first need a partial translation of the book to spark their interest (unfortunately just saying: “Hey, we have this really awesome book here and you can’t read it because it’s in Dutch but take our word for it and just invest a ton of money into it!” doesn’t work).

I was of course more than happy to do this, and have since done the same for the first few chapters of four other books in the non-fiction series “Hoofdzaken” by Blossom Books. Most recently I have translated two more non-fiction books that are both to be published soon. When that time comes, I’ll make sure to mention them here.

Meanwhile, keep on sending me your projects, however large or small, and I will always do my best to fit them in and give it the attention it deserves!